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Protein care spray + Comprehensive set for oily hair type

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SKU: K2-11-876
760 грн
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Strengthen your hair from the inside out with a unique set that combines natural rice and hemp proteins with green tea phyto-extracts. This set will provide your hair with complete care, restoring its structure, adding strength and shine.

Hillary Rise & Cannabis Hair Care Protein Spray with rice proteins and hemp improves hair structure, thickens and smooths curls, makes combing easier, and protects from thermal damage. It's the perfect choice for protecting and nourishing hair prone to split ends and breakage.

Hillary Green Tea Micellar Phyto-essential Shampoo based on green tea extract and the Poliplant-12 complex deeply cleanses the scalp, regulates oiliness, and adds volume and shine to the hair. Active ingredients strengthen hair follicles, reduce hair loss, and give hair radiance and elasticity.

Hillary Green Tea Volumising Phyto-essential Conditioner is specially designed to add volume to thin and lifeless hair. With its innovative formula containing green tea extract and the Poliplant-12 phyto-complex, it not only boosts hair's resilience but also provides intense hydration and nourishment. The conditioner helps strengthen hair along its length, detangles without weighing it down, and leaves hair shiny.

The active ingredients work together: green tea extract enriches hair with antioxidants, vitamins, and amino acids, making it silky and manageable, while the Poliplant-12 complex strengthens hair follicles, reduces hair loss, and fights dandruff. This conditioner also provides thermal protection, making it ideal for regular care.

Your secret to healthy and luxurious hair is now in one set!

The set includes:

  • Protein care spray for hair Hillary Rise & Cannabis Hair Care Protein Spray, 100 ml
  • Micellar phyto-essential shampoo Green Tea Hillary Green Tea Micellar Phyto-essential Shampoo, 250 ml
  • Phyto-essential volumizing conditioner Green Tea Hillary Green Tea Volumising Phyto-essential Conditioner, 250 ml

How to use: Apply the shampoo to thoroughly wet hair and scalp. Massage the scalp for 2-3 minutes. Rinse with water. Repeat 2-3 times. Apply the conditioner to damp clean hair and distribute evenly along the length with your hands or a wide-toothed comb. Rinse with water after 1-2 minutes. Apply a small amount of spray to damp hair along the length, blow-dry, or style. Or use it on dry hair before using a curling iron/straightener.

Маю кучеряве волося, яке дуже плутається, і при тому жирне при коренях. Це комбо мені класно підійшло, головаа менше жирніє, волосся не плутається, прочісую пальцями пасма легко, вже навть гарно в завитки лягає. Супер наборчик, щира рекомендація!
Пальоха Тарас, дякуємо, що обрали нас. Радіємо, що все підходить!
Після використання шампуню і кондиціонера волосся виглядає свіжим. Спрей – відмінний завершальний штрих, який додає блиску! Замовляю одразу ще один набір, поки така знижка)
Ройнбуд Міра, дякуємо, що обираєте нас та чекаємо на Вас знову 🖤
Місять тому замовила цей набір і дуже щаслива! Зазвичай доводилось мити голову щодня, а тепер вже на 2 дні вистачвє. І як бачу, спрей дуже полегшує розчісування. Волосся зараз сяяче, аж чоловік помітив

Тому, дякую! Рекомендую
Karina, дякуємо за зворотній зв'язок та бажаємо, щоб результат від використання косметики HILLARY завжди викликав у Вас захоплення!
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Series  Hair care
The group of goods  Shampoos and conditioners
Age  18+
Purpose  For hair
Skin type  Oily skin
Features  Cruelty-free
composition  Protein care spray for hair Hillary Rise & Cannabis Hair Care Protein Spray, 100 ml
Micellar phyto-essential shampoo Green Tea Hillary Green Tea Micellar Phyto-essential Shampoo, 250 ml
Phyto-essential volumising conditioner Green Tea Hillary Green Tea Volumising Phyto-essential Conditioner, 250 ml
Manufacturing  Ukraine
*  The manufacturer reserves the right to improve the product formulation with interchangeable components that have the same cosmetic effect. The texture and color of the product may differ from what you see on your screen.
Warranty  The quality guarantee is valid for 90 days.
Штрих-код  2314940084876
Warning  Natural cosmetics are not hypoallergenic. 24 hours before use, conduct an allergy test on the bend of the elbow.
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