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Set for dry skin

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SKU: HI-11-090
1 454 грн
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The set for dry skin will help take care of sensitive skin with specially selected products.


The Alginate Moisturizing Mask tightens the skin, makes the face more defined, whitens age spots, freckles and post-acne marks, and stimulates collagen synthesis.


The facial oil fluid tightens pores and makes wrinkles less visible. This results in smooth skin and an even tone, so makeup goes on perfectly and looks fresh for longer. Provides powerful protection against the sun and free radicals.


ASAI ubtan reduces the number of blackheads by 3 times, exfoliates dead skin cells, and gives the skin a radiant appearance. It cleanses the skin of toxins and fills it with useful vitamins and minerals. Makes the skin more elastic, hides age-related skin changes, deeply cleanses pores, removes inflammation, moisturizes. Hyaluronic serum is designed for targeted skin regeneration. Recovery technology with additional intensive moisturizing helps the skin absorb and retain moisture where it is needed. The skin instantly becomes more moisturized and protected.

Lavender Mist has a pleasant relaxing scent and mattifies the skin. It is a substitute for tonics and thermal water, relieves irritation, has an antibacterial effect, tightens pores, evens out skin tone. Daily basic care that does not require much effort. After use, the skin becomes soft and silky. 


The set includes:

  • Hillary Moisturizing Alginate Mask, 100 g;
  • Hillary FLUID OIL facial oil fluid, 30 ml;
  • Hillary ASAI UBTAN for gentle cleansing and scrubbing, 100 g;
  • Hillary Smart Hyaluronic hyaluronic serum, 30 g;
  • Lavender face bridge Hillary LAVENDER MIST, 150 ml.


How to use: 

  1. Mix a small amount of ubtan with water to a paste-like state and apply to moisturized face with massage movements. Rinse with running water or remove with a muslin cloth. Can be used twice a day.
  2. Apply the toner to cleansed face in the morning and evening before going to bed. It can be used as a toner before care products, as well as applied over makeup to fix it.
  3. Pat your cleansed face with a soft towel and apply a little serum. This way, hyaluron molecules will receive enough moisture to work in the upper layers of the skin. For a more pronounced effect, enrich the serum with an oil fluid. Mix two drops of oil with two drops of serum in the palm of your hand and massage into clean, moist skin on the face, neck and décolleté. Use daily, in the morning (including as an active agent under day cream) and in the evening. If the temperature outside is below 0, after applying the serum, we recommend waiting 30 minutes before going out until it is completely absorbed. 
  4. Prepare the alginate mask immediately before use. Take any dry, non-metallic container, mix the contents with water at room temperature in a 1 :1 ratio. Important! Mix everything thoroughly with a whipping motion until you get a homogeneous mass until you get the consistency of a thick and viscous cream.

Apply the mask to the skin in a dense, even layer of about 0.5 cm with a spatula. Over the next 10-15 minutes, the product becomes like rubber and slightly decreases in volume.

The alginate mask does not need to be washed off with water. After 15-20 minutes, it can be easily removed in the form of a soft plastic cast that follows the contours of the face or body. It should be removed in one movement from the bottom from the chin up to the forehead.  Hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows are not glued to the mask, so removal is easy.

Доброго дня! ще не користувалася, але виглядає все дуже гарно!😻
трохи заплуталася який засіб після чого використовувати і з якою частотою?
Довган Тереза Левківна, дякуємо за відгук та питання. Перерахуємо в правильній послідовності. Убтан - для легкого скрабування, 1-2 рази на тиждень. Маска альгінатна - за потреби/бажання. Міст - для тонізації - після етапу очищення зранку та ввечорі. Сироватка Смарт - інтенсивний догляд та зволоження, щодня. Олійний флюїд - живлення - щодня або за потреби, спостерігайте за станом шкіри.
Замовила вперше але перед тим брала тестити в подруги, сказати що я в захваті це нічого не сказати. Єдиний мінус замість лавандового місту прийшов трояндовий🤗
Аліна Хомова , дякуємо за відгук. Якщо помилка була з нашої сторони, то обов'язково замінимо на лавандовий міст.
Здравствуйте, сегодня получила посылочку, наборчик шикарный, пользуюсь косметикой уже 2 год, очень довольна. Кожа стала более увлажнённой и ухоженной. Проблем с доставкой никогда не было, однажды разлилось масло, так мне менеджеры сами перезвонили, сказали , что может быть такая проблема, все заменили, и всегда все очень приветливы.
Спасибо вам большое!!
Людмила Браткова, Спасибо за отзыв!)) Пользуйтесь с удовольствием))
Впервые делала заказ, сегодня получила этот наборчик. Очень довольна им, спасибо вам огромное, но есть один момент, который немного расстроил. Набор состоит из продуктов для сухой кожи, но в наборе почему то мист лавандовый для жирной кожи, а не розовый для сухой.
Анна Мокшина, спасибо за отзыв! В составе лавандовава миста есть пантенол и растительный глицерин которые несут ответственность за увлажнение кожы
Доброго вечора , прийшла посилочка , замовляла перший раз але за 1 день уже бачу результат )
Анастасія, дякуємо за Ваш відгук)
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Series  Face Care
The group of goods  Serums and face masks
Age  18+
Purpose  Blackheads, Face peeling, Narrowing of the pores
composition  Hillary Moisturizing Alginate Mask, 100 g;
Hillary FLUID OIL facial oil fluid, 30 ml;
Hillary ASAI UBTAN for gentle cleansing and scrubbing, 100 g;
Hillary Smart Hyaluronic hyaluronic serum, 30 g;
Lavender face bridge Hillary LAVENDER MIST, 150 ml.
Storage conditions  Store at a temperature between +5 and +25 C. Avoid direct sunlight.
Manufacturing  Ukraine
*  The manufacturer reserves the right to improve the product formulation with interchangeable components that have the same cosmetic effect. The texture and color of the product may differ from what you see on the screen.
Warranty  The quality guarantee is valid for 90 days.
Штрих-код  2000000002743
Warning  Natural cosmetics are not hypoallergenic. Perform an allergy test on the bend of the elbow 24 hours before use.
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