The text below is the text of the agreement between the Internet store, the site of any placement in the Internet store at the address, which may be called “Internet store”, and the service of the Internet store, which may I gave the name “Buyer”, and signifies the purchase and sale of goods by the Buyer through the website to the online store.

1. Light position

1.1. This contract is a public offer agreement (subject to Art. 633, 641 and Ch. 63 of the Civil Code of Ukraine), which is the same for all buyers regardless of status (physical person, legal person, physical person - entrepreneur).

1.2. At the time of accepting the minds of this contract, to make a public offer to the Internet store, you become a Buyer.

2. Terms and definition

2.1. Online store - Hillary Shop, founded under the legislation of Ukraine, placed on the Internet at the address

2.2. Goods - publications on the website of the Internet store of goods.

2.3. Posopets-Fіzichna of an individual, Yaka reached the VISIMNANITYARY VIKA, Yaka Otrim іnformasyu vid izhternet store, yak Roznishchishchi for jacks, Complex of the Ta reservation of goods, presented to the site of the lawyer. person / physical person - pіdpriєmets.

2.4. Purchase - a Purchase order has been issued and placed, addressed to the Internet store, for searching, completing and reserving Goods, for a further purchase by the Buyer.

2.5. The site is a collection of parties, access to some of them are supported by a web browser, and software modules, united by a single management system, circulated in the Internet at the address, and remove all signs of a public offer from a joke, complete set and reservation of Goods chosen by the Buyer on the site.

2.8. Special Cabinet - open space on the Site, access to any Buyer, in which you can see your personal information and the history of placement of them.

3. Subject of the contract

3.1. Цей договір визначає порядок взаємодії та умови надання Інтернет-магазином послуг Покупцеві, грунтуючись на його прагненні, бажанні і можливості скористатися послугами пошуку, комплектації і резервування Товарів, а також на прагненні Інтернет-магазину надати Покупцеві потрібну йому інформацію, знайти і укомплектувати Товари згідно Замовлення purchase, and reserve it for a little extra by the Buyer.

3.2. The online store provides the following services:

3.2.1. Search, picking and reservation of Goods on the basis of the Order issued by the Buyer on the Website and confirmed by the Internet store

3.3. The online store arranges sales and delivery of Goods for additional courier delivery services, assigned on the site to the online store for submitting orders from Buyers, completed on the Site and confirmed by the online store. The prices indicated on the Site for the Goods include the number of services for the purchase, completeness and reservation and delivery of the goods of the Purchaser, which is not otherwise indicated in the confirmation of the Order.

3.4. The buyer will agree with the minds of this contract at the time of the execution of the Confirmation by pressing on the button “Confirm the Confirmation”, which confirms the Purchase about reading the text of the third contract and the year with the minds of the mind. Nadalі zaperechennya vіd Purchasing schodo nadannya such a rank of yours will allow the Internet store to be of any kind, according to the contract, and forfeit the right to the Internet store to unilaterally claim the information.

4. Rules for working with the Site

4.1. The buyer can look at the Site, make an appointment, and also use other services.

4.2. Registration is required to access the Purchase to personalized information and other additional capabilities to work with the Site.

4.3. When registering a Buyer, enter the following data:

· Im'ya, nickname

Phone number

· Email addresses

· Password

4.4. The buyer seeks to provide accurate and correct information about himself. The online store does not bear responsibility for the accuracy and correctness of the information provided by the Buyer during the registration of this designation.

4.5. After registration on the Buyer's Site, you will be given access to the Special Cabinet.

4.6. The purchaser of goiter must not be aware of the third person's access parameters assigned during registration. At the time of the Buyer’s suspicion of an unauthorized violation by third persons of such parameters, the Buyer of goiter is negligently informed about the purpose of the Internet store by sending an electronic sheet to the address [email protected] or contact by phone 0-800- 750-149.

4.7. The buyer bears the responsibility for the existence of any data, zdiisnenі on the Site under the legal form and in the name of the yogo.

4.8. The online store may have the right to make the Buyers in the service of the Internet store, so that it will be necessary for the new one to show that the Buyer has indicated unreliable data, and so for the mind of the unsustainable behavior (for example, the destruction of the minds of the contract, or otherwise).


4.9. Fenced vikoristovuvaty The site is in illegal and fenced activity. Покупці Інтернет-магазину погоджуються дотримуватися законів України і норми поведінки, прийняті в мережі Інтернет, а саме, але не обмежуючись, розміщенням на сайті матеріалів екстремістського, порнографічного чи іншого характеру, що зачіпає і / або ущемляє честь, гідність і / або ділову репутацію третіх osіb i violate the moral norms, as well as distributing advertising information without the permission of the online store.

5. Order of registration

5.1. The Buyer completes the Application on the Website independently, by way of adding the Goods to the virtual basket and pressing the button “Place an Application” or pressing the button “Shvidka Application” and entering the phone number and his name.

6. Payment procedure

6.1. The Buyer buys Goods, which are listed in the listing on the Website, and also pays for the services of the Internet store on the minds of the parties in the confirmed by the Internet store of the purchase:

- On the minds of an overpayment for a rahunok to an Internet store through the Liqpay system.

- At the time of picking up the Goods in the courier service.

6.2. The main variant of the Engagement, which includes the full versatility of Goods and services to the Internet store, the additional amount for payment and is indicated on the Site when placing the Engagement.

6.3. Wash the online store and the prices for the goods can be changed by the seller unilaterally until the cost of the goods is withdrawn, after payment by the buyer, the price for the goods remains unchanged.

7. Wash the turn.

7.1. The return and exchange of other goods to the citizens of Ukraine, which are not included before the transfer of appointments, is higher, in the manner prescribed by the strict legislation of Ukraine.

8. Confidentiality and protection of personal data

8.1. When registering on the Site, the Buyer shall provide personal and contact details specified in clause 4.3. which agreement, but do not obmezhuyutsya him.

8.2. Giving your personal data on the Site when registering or filling out an Application, the Buyer gives his voluntary consent to the processing and collection (including transfer) of his personal data without any exchange of the term for such an agreement, according to the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Protection". 2010 r

8.3. The online store will remove personal data for the provision of services assigned by this agreement, for the transfer of services that are charged by the Internet store, including for the additional automated processing of personal data.

8.4. The Internet shop of goiters does not speak out about the purchase of information. It is not respected by violations of the data of the Internet-shop for information to agents and third persons who are acting on the basis of an agreement with the Internet-shop, including for the purpose of vykonannya goiter before the Buyer, as well as in case of violations, if such laws are established by the legislators.

8.5. If the Buyer does not report that the Internet store has completed the processing of personal data, then the Buyers must return from the application to the support service. In this way, the Buyer cannot continue to serve as servants of the Internet store.

8.6. The buyer bears the responsibility for maintaining his personal data in the current state. The online store does not bear responsibility for the inaccuracy of charges for the new goiter and the connection with irrelevant information about the Purchase, otherwise there is no information about the purchase.

8.7. The buyer hopes for a year to buy the online store and third parties for help with the functionality of Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram about products, promotions and other information from HILLARY COSMETICS.


9. Informational notices

9.1. By registering on the Site, the Buyer gives the Internet store a year to receive information about the Internet store and its partners, which is based on an agreement with the Internet store, for the additional service of short notices (SMS) and electronic mail.

10. Rules for the selection of materials, placement on the Site

10.1. The site contains materials, trademarks, brand names and other materials protected by law, including, but not limited to, texts, photographs, graphic images, musical and sound creations.

10.2. All content of the Site is protected by the legislation of Ukraine.

10.3. The buyer does not have the right to endorse materials posted on the Site, such as: make changes, publish, transfer to third parties, take part in the sale or concessions, create secondary documents and other.

11. Mind better

11.1. This agreement has been laid down on the territory of Ukraine and is subject to the substantive law of Ukraine.

11.2. The inadequacy of any point or part of the contract is not known to the inadequacy of the contract as a whole.

11.3. All the super girls that are blamed between the Buyer and the Internet store are violating the way of negotiations. In times of inaccessibility to the regulation of alcoholic nutrition, the Buyer or the Internet store can appeal for resolution of the dispute to the judicial authorities, up to the formal legislation.

11.4. The online store has the right to make changes to the text of this agreement for the ruling court at any time and without prior notice to the Buyers. The current (actual) version of the contract is always available on the Website