Skin types are classified according to the degree of oiliness. There can be dry, normal, oily and mixed hair types.

We can't change the type of scalp, but we can choose the right care.

Many people may not know their type or be mistaken about it. We are going to tell about the main types of hair and home care for them.

Normal hair type is a balance, the sebaceous gland is normal and secretes only the necessary amount of sebum.

As a rule, normal hair becomes greasy at the roots around the third day after washing.

It is recommended to wash your hair as it gets dirty. Try to choose mild shampoos so as not to dry out the strands.

Do not abuse masks, it is enough to do them once every two weeks.

Oily skin type is caused by sebaceous glands that work much more than necessary.
This type of hair is not prone to split ends, is not electrified and has a healthy shine.
Unfortunately, dandruff is a fairly common problem for owners of oily hair.

Dry hair type is a type with reduced sebum production (of the scalp).As a rule, they have little shine and often split. In addition, blow-drying and hot appliances worsen the condition of the strands.Never comb wet hair, especially dry hair. 
Apply a little coconut oil or argan oil to towel-dried hair and comb it through with a comb after it dries.