Despite the fact that most of us try to take care of our hair, go to the hairdresser regularly and buy the highest quality hair care products, no one is immune from mistakes. Sometimes we allow them out of ignorance, sometimes we do not consider it important, sometimes due to lack of time. So that this does not turn into a habit and you, without noticing it, do not harm your hair, we talk about the most common mistakes in hair care.

8 bad habits for your hair

1. Comb tangled hair from root to tip

If your hair is prone to tangles, comb it from bottom to top to untangle any knots and avoid overlapping. Use a wide-toothed comb and start with the bottom strands. But do not ignore the full combing of the hair. Once your hair is combed, run the comb through it from roots to ends. So you properly distribute sebum (sebum), which will prevent dryness and brittle hair. However, you don't need to comb your hair too often. Over-stimulation causes the scalp to produce more oil than normal. Hair becomes greasy much faster.

2. Improper drying of wet hair

Never try to dry wet hair with a rub and blow dryer. Quite often we rub our hair with a towel, trying to remove excess moisture from them. This leads to brittleness and can cause weakened hair to fall out. It is better to use a soft towel and blot excess moisture without rubbing. As for the hair dryer, don't touch it until your hair is 50-60% dry. Better yet, let your hair dry on its own.

3. Excessive use of hot styling tools

Even worse - no thermal protection! Of course, it is best not to use hot tools at all. But if you can’t refuse home styling, then thermal hair styling is something that needs to be done very carefully. It's all about destruction! Do “hot” styling no more than twice a week and always use thermal protection!

4. Washing your hair too often

Very few people actually require daily hair washing. Shampoo is essential to remove excess sebum, oil, dust and pollutants from the hair and scalp. But if you wash your hair daily, you remove the natural oils that protect the scalp and hair. This leads to overdrying. If you have oily scalp, then frequent washing you provoke the release of sebum even more, creating a vicious circle. Try skipping a couple of your regular routines and see how your hair will thank you for it.

5. Lack of regular haircuts

Regular haircuts can seem counterproductive to the goal of growing long, bouncy curls. But it's actually the key ingredient. A haircut every 8-12 weeks helps keep hair strong and healthy. Split ends cannot be “glued together” with any shampoo, conditioner or miracle mask. If your hair is constantly splitting, then the only way out is to regularly visit the hairdresser and cut the damaged hair (however, even if the hair looks good, it should still be cut regularly).

6. Shower with hot water

Hot water dehydrates the scalp and hair, so every time you take a hot shower, you damage your hair. When hair is wet, it is most vulnerable. This results in additional damage. And with a greasy type of scalp, it provokes an increase in sebum secretion. Try using warm water to at least rinse your hair, and if you can, rinse it with cold water at the end to seal off the hair follicles.

7. Ignoring Hair Brush Hygiene

The comb also has its own hygiene requirements and they should be observed - wash combs and brushes once a week with shampoo. Clean your comb/brush regularly. The mechanism here is simple: your oily hair remains on the comb, then you comb clean hair and pollute it.

8. Combing wet hair

Combing your hair while it is still wet can be very harmful. Wet hair is weakened hair, making it extremely vulnerable to breakage and tangles. So instead of using the brush directly after showering and damaging your hair, let it dry without brushing. If this is unacceptable for you, use a comb with rare teeth. Start at the ends. An ordinary hair brush is very traumatic and can pull out hair or cause split ends. Even better, brush your hair before you shower so there's less need for further brushing.